Monday, December 2, 2013

I feel very accomplished. About a week and a half ago I got enlisted into the U.S. Army and it felt awesome. I have always wanted to join the military but i was not sure if it was something i really wanted to do. I put some thought into it and finally made my decision. I don't think I am able to tell what my job is but i am proud to say that I got promoted to the rank of E-2 because of some high school accomplishments that i had obtained. I feel honored to be able to fight for my country. It took me until now to take the military serious, it would be times when I use to stand up for the pledge but not put my hand over my heart or show some kinda respect, now when I see people doing that i get a little upset because i now know what it truly means. I can only imagine those families who have had people die in battle what they must feel like when they see things of that nature. I will stand up for my country, honor my country, and represent my country. I am a United States Army soldier.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

On Tuesday, October 29th, 2013, I joined the United States Army. It felt like the best decision i could have possibly made. I was so happy for the rest of the day. I feel like now i have my whole life set. I have goals to reach and im on the right track of achieving my goals. I cant wait until i leave to go to basic training. I understand that nothing will be easy and that the training is going to be hard but im going to try my best to prepare myself for whats to come. While im in the military i want to do infantry and then following that i want to enter into something that has to do with computers. I was unsure about joining the military last year but i put a lot of thought into it and have finally made my decision to join the US Army.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

During fall break I attended this racing event. It was very fun because I am really interested in cars and I plan to major in some kind of automotive field once I leave Richard bland. I also had fun even though I wanted to race but I chose not to because I felt as though my car wasn't ready yet. I just recently received all of the performance parts for my vehicle and I am feeling pretty confident about my upcoming race on the 25th of this month. I watched an observed the other cars and paid attention to different racers strengths and weaknesses in hopes to have some sort of advantage on my opponent. I have always loved cars since I was a little kid and enjoyed watching. I had dreams of beginning to build my own race car and by being blessed my God I started earlier than I expected. Soon or later I hope to be running in the Pro Mod class and making the big bucks. While leaving the race a couple of the racers and I met up at Waffle House and just socialized for a hour or two and talked about our vehicles. One of the guys that joined us was my uncle, he just wanted to see how school was and how the car was coming along. I invited to him to my race on the 25th and coincidently I found out that he was racing in the event as well. I could only think to myself "what have I gotten myself in to?" My uncle races and '86 Buick Grand National. I am currently trying to join his racing team but I need to do a few more adjustments before im able to keep up with those guys. EVERYONE THAT IS VIEWING THIS BLOG COME TO VIRGINIA MOTORSPORTS PARK ON OCTOBER 25, 2013 STREET WARS NIGHT AND SUPPORT ME TY MASON.

Monday, October 7, 2013

This weekend i went to a Travis Porter concert with my friends. I had a lot of fun. During the concert there were people trying to get on the stage and of course there was security standing right there. The music that was played was very good and it mixed well. The attitude of the crowd was good all up until the end. Travis Porter went inside this building that was on campus and sat in the window. He then started throwing his clothes out the window and of course the girls went crazy. The bad thing is some of the girls started fighting over his clothes and thats when i decided to leave. I went to hang out with my friends just walking around and talking because we were waiting on this frat party that was about to start. So once the frat party began it automatically was hype and the music was great. Everybody was dancing and enjoying themselves and for once i thought i could finally go to a party and every one is just doing them. Then i want to say maybe half way through the party some how the cops figured out that there were under aged girls in the party so it was shutdown briefly and everyone had to show their IDs. So the party started back up after that situation was defused. Towards the end of the party once i thought everything was going well, some guy got mad because he saw his girl dancing with another dude. He started all this commotion and was ready to fight the dude. This is when i decided to leave. After the frat party me and my friends just went our own way and met back up later. Overall it was a fun weekend and i hope to go again next weekend.

Friday, September 6, 2013

This week I think was the most interesting week in English class. The reason being is because it is truly a lot of fun and the books or short stories that we read aren't boring. I had a real problem staying focused in English class because the topic and such were so vague that it would never catch my attention. Just of yesterday we read a story called "Superman and Me". The story was quite interesting. It talked about a boy who pretty much wanted to break the stereo type that was labeled upon his people. He wanted to be one of a few people in his culture that pushed himself towards intelligence and in my eyes he succeeded. That story really caught my eye because that is kind of similar to my life. I say this because a lot of the people in my family went to jail, drop out of school, or is just not living a wealthy lifestyle. It got to the point where the adults in my family started to have hatred towards me in a low key manner because I was one of the only children in the family that wasn't messing up or doing bad things. Eventually people in my family started wanting me to fail or be just like there kids. I have the chance to be the first person in my family to go to college and graduate and that's huge motivation for me. I truly want to make my family proud and break this chain of evil which has practically destroyed my family and has caused my family to be very distant from each other. I for one don't appreciate because I feel like the people who call themselves my aunts and uncles should be trying to encourage me instead of putting me down or coming to as if they want me to do good but in the back of there mind they really want me to fail. I just think it is sad and unfortunately it will not change anytime soon. But regardless of the negative feedback that I get from my so called family members I will still do everything  I can to see that my end of the bargain is kept and that my promise to my grandfather is kept. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

This just might be the most exciting English class I have ever been enrolled in. For once English is not boring.
"Til I conquer the world that has no plans but for me to fail, never will I give up." Ty Mason